【軟媒編譯】禁用Windows 7中煩人的粘滯鍵功能

2009/6/29 15:39:55    編輯:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字體:【

Win7之家afsion.com.cn):【軟媒編譯】禁用Windows 7中煩人的粘滯鍵功能

 如果經(jīng)常打字并需要在中英文間切換,或者說經(jīng)常玩CS之類的游戲的朋友往往會遇到這樣的情況,打著打著、玩著玩著突然出現(xiàn)彈出窗口了。一看,原來是啥粘滯鍵。這個功能呢,平時基本上是用不著的,那么,在Windows 7中,怎么禁用呢?

* 控制面板 - 輕松訪問中心 - 使鍵盤更容易使用

* 取消勾選所有選項(xiàng)

如果想取消彈出窗口的話,還可以分別點(diǎn)擊SetupStickey Key和SetupFilter Key并取消勾選所有項(xiàng)目來實(shí)現(xiàn)。


Have you ever been doing something, like playing a game, and had that obnoxious Sticky Keys dialog pop up? You answer No and it goes away… and then shows up again the next day. Here’s how to make it go away for good.