存在與IE有關(guān)的安全漏洞 - Hotmail照片附件功能暫時取消

2009/8/22 10:31:52    編輯:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字體:【

Win7之家afsion.com.cn):存在與IE有關(guān)的安全漏洞 - Hotmail照片附件功能暫時取消

由于安全問題,微軟中止了Hotmail的“附加照片”功能. Webmail用戶仍然可以添加照片作為普通附件,但不能做到和之前一樣的效果,原因是微軟發(fā)現(xiàn)Hotmail有一個涉及其功能和IE瀏覽器的安全漏洞, 微軟Windows Live博客已經(jīng)針對此作出解釋,并預(yù)計9月底恢復(fù)暫停了的功能.


Some of you may have noticed that lately, you can no longer add photos directly into the body of a Windows Live Hotmail message the way you used to do. The Windows Live team is constantly reviewing Hotmail to ensure quality service to our customers. During a recent review, we identified an incompatibility with Internet Explorer that caused a security flaw with photo uploads, and we made the decision to temporarily remove the feature. The Hotmail team takes security very seriously and we expect to bring back the photo upload feature by the end of September. In the meantime, you can still add pictures as attachments to your Hotmail messages, by clicking Attach, and then File, and then selecting the picture you want to include.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause you until this fix is complete.

The Windows Live team