從專利到現實:Windows 7的X光式瀏覽

2008/12/2 9:48:39    編輯:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字體:【

Win7之家afsion.com.cn):從專利到現實:Windows 7的X光式瀏覽

 眾所周知,Windows Vista給我們帶來了精彩的Flip 3D功能。然而,早在2005年1月,微軟就在開發(fā)一項專利功能,而直到今天,這一功能才得以實現。當時,微軟提出了一項名為“X光式瀏覽”的Windows窗口切換概念,類似于Flip 3D.


目前,有許多切換窗口的方式。Windows中有ALT+TAB,任務欄按鈕以及任務管理器列表;在Mac OSX中,有Apple-Tab,Dock和現在的Expose。而現在又有了“X光式瀏覽”。



而如今,這一功能已經以“Aero Peek”功能的形式出現在了Windows 7中。相信大家都已經從上次泄露的Windows 7 Build 6936截圖中看到了這一功能,再來看一下:

Aero ShakeAeroSnap,再到現在的“X光式瀏覽”的Aero Peek功能,單是管理窗口這一細節(jié),Windows 7中就有3種很酷很實用的功能,可以說,Windows 7是越來越令人期待了。

Windows Vista brings a feature we all love to show off, Flip 3D. A new way to organize and sort windows through a 3D interface resembling much to a ferris wheel. Whether or not it actually increase productivity requires more public feedback or even scientific testing, but it’s pretty at least. However in a patent application filed during January 2005, and only made publically available today, it reveals a windows navigation concept appropriate named “x-ray browsing” which might have been many of the alternatives under consideration for a feature like Flip 3D.

There is therefore a need for a method to allow users to quickly scan through open windows one at a time. According to one aspect of the invention, all but one of the open windows is made transparent. The remaining window, which is in focus, is made opaque and therefore clearly visible. In response, to a command, windows can be navigated through where each input causes a window previously not in focus to be in focus and become opaque, and causes the window in focus at the time of the command to become transparent. Thus, at all times during navigation, a single window is opaque and the other windows are transparent. This can be referred to as x-ray browsing.