Win7之家(有關Windows 7故障恢復功能的一次討論
上次曾給大家介紹了國外IT業(yè)者有關Windows 7的一次辯論,而在國外,這種討論的氣氛相當熱烈,這不,又有兩人就Windows 7的故障恢復特性展開了討論。事實上,這也是個關于Windows 7易用性的討論。先來介紹一下這兩人:
來自AeroXperience的Bryant: 他認為Windows 7的啟動修復功能(WinRE)很實用。
來自WithinWindows的Rafael :他并不喜歡Windows 7的這個功能。
事實上,集成在Windows 7安裝包中的Windows 恢復環(huán)境(WinRE)并不是什么新鮮玩意兒。但這功能確實有用。在我安裝6801時,系統(tǒng)曾遇到一個名為unknown bugcheck: 12b的錯誤而導致死機,這時,WinRE出現(xiàn)了并進行了系統(tǒng)檢查然后彈出對話框詢問是否恢復到上次還原點。還原之后,系統(tǒng)提交了本次掃描中的一切細節(jié)。然后,重啟并恢復正常。
小編:在我看來,這功能還是相當實用的。畢竟,Windows是一個大眾化的系統(tǒng),針對并不是IT業(yè)者,而是普通用戶,在遇到問題時,IT業(yè)者固然能夠通過自己的知識去解決,但對于普通用戶而言,系統(tǒng)能夠自己識別并解決問題,那是再好不過的了。 當然,仁者見仁,歡迎大家發(fā)表自己的意見。
Bryant’s view:
The fact that the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) would be contained in the Windows 7 installation is nothing new.
Yes, it actually works.
In my case, my instance of build 6801 died on an “unknown bugcheck: 12b” which led to WinRE being launched. The recovery mechanism checked for issues, subsequently asked me if I’d like to use system restore to roll back to the last working point, rolled back, and presented me with full details of all of its scans (some of which you’ll see in my quick-n-dirty BlackBerry shots). After all of that, it rebooted and voila, Windows 7!
Rafael’s view:
There is absolutely no way to return to the Windows boot choices menu from this newfangled Error Recovery menu. Don’t let the menu above trick you – my choices were really [keep crashing] or [waste my time detecting the already-known problem].
Surprisingly it worked, as Bryant indicated … but that’s not the point. After everything was said and done, I felt like I just jumped through a bunch of technical support hoops to fix a problem I already knew how to fix on my own but couldn’t.
I will be finding a way to turn this “feature” off ASAP.
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