Windows 7 - 一個接近完成的優(yōu)秀作品

2008/12/15 9:02:51    編輯:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字體:【

Win7之家 7 - 一個接近完成的優(yōu)秀作品

 看著一款操作系統(tǒng)由不成熟的Vista走向杰出的Windows 7就像看著自己的孩子長成一個翩翩美少年一樣令人喜悅。也曾有人說我出爾反爾,從討厭微軟到喜歡微軟,因為此前我是寫有關(guān)Mac的文章的,而昨天我還在說:“忘了Mac,擁抱Windows 7吧!”無可否認(rèn),Windows 7正在逐漸成型,而且對于那些因為種種原因不能忍受Vista的人而言,很難找到討厭Windows 7的理由。


*觀賞性。毫無疑問Windows 7看起來很舒服,同時用起來也很爽。

Windows 7的缺點:

從另一方面看來,Windows 7還是個半成品。


不過,值得肯定的是,Windows 7中增加了一系列學(xué)生相關(guān)的功能,擁有全新界面的計算器,加入了一系列日常生活中的實用功能,如重量和長度換算等,另外,對于使用寫字板功能的用戶而言,還有數(shù)學(xué)模式可供選擇。

這樣看來,我不得不承認(rèn),Windows 7確實做得很好,當(dāng)然,我還在期待著它的Beta版本。


People have accused me of jumping ship; from hating Microsoft to loving Microsoft, having someone cover for me who writes about Mac’s, and even yesterday when I said, “forget the client, hit the server” instead. Windows 7 is taking shape, and for those who can’t stand Vista for all the reasons they have, will find it difficult to hate Windows 7.

For those who hate anything Microsoft related because its Microsoft related, well you can’t please everybody.

To quickly run through what it has and doesn’t have (because I really want to go to bed):

    * It has stability. It may be a pre-beta but it’s been running brilliantly with little memory usage, minimal disk usage and no slow-downs.
    * It has style. There’s no doubt it looks good, and it feels good when using it. It’s swish, swift, smooth and suave.
    * It has features, here there and everywhere. With sticky notes on the desktop, an XPS viewer which lets you read portable documents outside Internet Explorer, and it has updated every element of every application so far.