Windows 7 Beta發(fā)布依然要等到1月7日

2008/12/24 12:36:55    編輯:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字體:【

Win7之家 7 Beta發(fā)布依然要等到1月7日

 多名微軟觀(guān)察家都稱(chēng)微軟將會(huì)在1月5日前發(fā)布Windows 7 Beta。

微軟已經(jīng)在合作伙伴網(wǎng)站上公布了MASP更新包的內(nèi)容,Windows 7也在其中并被打上了“只提供下載”的標(biāo)簽。

盡管流言四起,但我們始終相信在圣誕期間微軟不會(huì)又什么大動(dòng)作,而Windows 7 Beta的發(fā)布多數(shù)還是要等到1月7日的CES大會(huì)。

目前,微軟已經(jīng)發(fā)放了測(cè)試邀請(qǐng),同時(shí)微軟員工Scott Wylie也在博客中透露了Build 7004的一張圖片。據(jù)此推斷,微軟已經(jīng)完成了Windows 7 Beta的開(kāi)發(fā)并會(huì)以7000的版本號(hào)發(fā)布。而7001和7002版本將會(huì)跳過(guò),7003之后的版本將會(huì)作為RC版本。

鮑爾默很希望在1月7日的CES大會(huì)上向全體與會(huì)者公布Windows 7 Beta。


Several Microsoft watchers have speculated that Microsoft may release the Windows 7 beta to Microsoft Action Pack subscribers on or before the 5th January.

Microsoft posted a note to its partner site regarding the latest Microsoft Action Pack Subscription quarterly update kit. In the update Windows 7 is included as "download only". The packs content is due to start shipping on "January 5, 2009, depending on region, and continues with the first month of each subsequent quarter (January, April, July, and October). Allow 15 to 30 business days to receive your kit."

Despite the rumours we still believe that little will occur over the holiday season and Microsoft will make Windows 7 beta 1 available at Steve Ballmer's CES keynote on January 7th.

Microsoft recently sent beta invites to potential testers and Microsoft employee Scott Wylie revealed build 7004 in a blog posting last week. According to sources, Microsoft has finished the Beta 1 bits and they have been signed off as build 7000. Build 7001 and 7002 have been reserved (skipped) and 7003 onwards marks the new RC branch.

Ballmer is widely expected to announce the beta to a packed hall full off CES attendees on January 7th 2009.