Windows 7 Beta海量截圖大賞

2008/12/27 13:23:42    編輯:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字體:【

Win7之家 7 Beta海量截圖大賞

 漫長的等待終于結(jié)束了,下面你們要看到的就是Windows 7 Beta的截圖。正如此前宣布的那樣,微軟沒有在此版本中加入新功能,但是卻對PDC 2008上演示的一些特性做了改進。










Well, the waiting is finally over. What you're looking at here is the eagerly awaited Windows 7 Beta, the pre-release version of Microsoft's next operating system that will ship publicly by mid-January. As promised, there are no new features exposed in the Beta: Instead, Microsoft has tweaked all of the existed features that were announced at PDC 2008 and provided a build that is capable of day-to-day use. I'll be reviewing the Windows 7 Beta soon.
