Windows 7 Beta使用第一印象

2008/12/29 11:41:38    編輯:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字體:【

Win7之家 7 Beta使用第一印象

 很感謝Santa在圣誕給我留了一份Windows 7 Beta。這將是Windows 7的第一個也是唯一一個Beta版本(build 6.1.7000.0.081212-1400)。我還高興告訴大家這個版本相當不錯。

由于圣誕假期的緣故,我并沒有使用Windows 7 Beta多長時間,但我的使用時間也足夠長到可以對其形成自己的觀點了:

*這個版本中沒有新功能的加入。如果微軟還想在正式版中加入新特性的話,那我們恐怕還得等等看了。另外,Windows 7 build 6.1.7000.0.081212-1400與前幾個版本看起來十分相像。

*Windows 7 Beta質(zhì)量極高。盡管此前的pre-beta版本看起來有點不穩(wěn)定,但這個Beta版本感覺像是已經(jīng)完成的產(chǎn)品了。可以說這款系統(tǒng)比我用過的任何一款微軟系統(tǒng)都要好。

*Windows 7性能絕佳。我并沒有多少時間去做詳細的性能測試,但從使用情況看來,它比我用過的任何系統(tǒng)運行起來更流暢,反應(yīng)更快。

*從這個版本的質(zhì)量看來,我想Windows 7將會在2009年6、7月發(fā)布。




I’ve not had a long time with Windows 7 beta 1 (given the holidays) but I’ve played with it long enough to form a few opinions:

    * There are no new features in this build. If Microsoft has any new stuff lined up for the RTM then we’re going to have to wait to find out. Features-wise, build 6.1.7000.0.081212-1400 is similar to earlier builds I’ve looked at (here are some posts for you to check out: 1, 2, 3).
    * This beta is of excellent quality. This is the kind of code that you could roll out and live with. Even the pre-betas were solid, but finally this beta feels like it’s “done.” This beta exceeds the quality of any other Microsoft OS beta that I’ve handled.
    * Performance of this beta is exceptional. I’ve not had a chance to benchmark it yet but it feels snappier and more responsive than earlier betas I’ve handled.
    * Judging by the quality of this build, I expect Windows 7 to be released June/July of ‘09. I really can’t see Microsoft dragging out the release a year.
