Win7之家( 7中的聯(lián)合搜索功能
在Vista中,微軟引進了增強型桌面搜索功能以幫助用戶迅速找到文件,電子郵件已經計算機中的其他東西。隨著Windows Search 4.0的發(fā)布,通過新增一系列針對IT業(yè)者的必要特性,新的搜索性能更為出色。
Windows 7的桌面搜索則整合了聯(lián)合搜索的功能以搜索本地計算機之外的東西,F(xiàn)在你可以通過本地計算機搜索網絡上的東西。該技術基于OpenSearch和RSS格式。由于其基于的標準是開放性的,用戶可以輕松打造自己的個性搜索工具。比如,你可以通過自己電腦中的資源管理器搜索Flickr上的內容。
不得不承認,聯(lián)合搜索功能看起來很有前途,F(xiàn)在越來越多的網站為了吸引Windows 7用戶,都加入了OpenSearch支持。這對微軟而言并不新鮮,因為早在IE 7和Sharepoint搜索中就集成了OpenSearch。
雖然目前還沒有任何官方文件,但相信隨著Windows 7 Beta的發(fā)布,Windows 7 Beta的開發(fā)者工具也將隨之釋出。
Windows Vista included the enhanced desktop search feature which helps users to readily locate files, e-mail messages, and other items on their PC . With the release of Windows Search 4.0, the performance of the search tool improved while adding much-needed manageability features for IT.
Windows 7 along with the desktop search, introduces Federated Search in which the scope of the search goes beyond your PC. You can now search for items in remote repositories from your PC. It is based on OpenSearch and the RSS format. Since it is based on open standards, it becomes very simple to create custom 'search connectors' for your own remote repositories. For example, you can search Flickr or Twitter from within explorer.
There are already few search connectors available for download:
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