Win7之家(從DirectX 9,DirectX 10到DirectX 11
在過去的幾十年里,3D加速主要是靠OpenGL和DirectX。今天,我們主要來說說DirectX。與OpenGL相比,微軟提出的DirectX在游戲引擎中的使用更為廣泛,因為功能設(shè)置起來更方便,這也使得DirectX的下一個版本更令人期待了。目前,我們已經(jīng)有了一系列DirectX 9和DirectX 10游戲,不過還沒有DirectX11的游戲。DirectX 11將會集成到WIndows 7中。
DirectX9和DirectX10發(fā)布也有四年之久了,因此我想DirectX 11不會讓我們等太久。
No matter whether we've got a low end or high end system, we all expect the realtime 3D revolution to continue until we achieve near parity with reality. The push forward is backed by many factors including pure hardware performance and brilliant advances in techniques for better approximating what we see. But there's another side to the equation beyond just hardware and developers: there is the graphics API.
Unlike CPUs, graphics hardware (GPUs) do not have a common instruction set upon which tools and software can be built. In order to get power of the hardware out to the public, we need a common interface that works no matter what GPU is underneath. It's left to the graphics hardware designer to take the code generated by this application programming interface (API) and translate it into something that their chip can use. Because it's the developer's single point of contact, the graphics API is incredibly important. It defines how much flexibility programmers have in using hardware and shapes the world of high performance realtime 3D graphics.
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