Win7之家(解讀為何微軟應該免費提供Windows 7
自發(fā)布以來,Windows 7 Beta可以說是吸引了太多目光,而更為難得是,與其前任不同,幾乎所有的針對Windows 7 Beta的意見都是積極的。這正是Vista本該成為的那樣。Vista有的優(yōu)點它也有,Vista有的缺點它沒有,再加上一些革命性的功能,這不就是我們一直想要的一款系統(tǒng)么?
也正因為如此,最近國外兩大知名IT網(wǎng)站Gizmodo和ZDnet都發(fā)表文章稱微軟應該免費或低價提供WIndows 7,尤其是對Vista用戶而言。說實話,此前我從未有過這個念頭,甚至于覺得這樣的建議有點異想天開,微軟啥時候做過這等好事?但一路看下去,卻越來越覺得說的很有道理。
微軟應該為Vista用戶免費提供Win 7?
此前,Vista的臭名聲曾讓不少人知難而退,轉而嘗試其他操作系統(tǒng),比如Linux,甚至于還投向了微軟的死對頭蘋果的懷抱。而如果Windows 7能夠免費的話,這無疑將會再次贏回這些用戶。
同時,如果微軟能夠以免費再次獲得用戶信任甚至喜愛的話,我想這遠比Windows 7帶來的收益要大得多,企業(yè)都是要從長遠看的,不是么?
而微軟如果想要發(fā)布不久就能獲得良好銷售業(yè)績的話恐怕也不大容易,首先,全球經(jīng)濟不形式擺在這。其次XP用戶肯定要等待一些測評啊啥的以確認Windows 7能在他們的老爺機上正常運行。Vista用戶就更不用說了,如果賣得很貴的話,我想很多用戶都不愿以高昂的價格購買的,不就是個Vista的升級版么?憑什么要這么多錢,是不是?
If you’ve arrived at this article because of the headline and assume Microsoft has announced it’s giving Windows 7 away for free, I apologize. Nothing of the sort has (yet) been announced. And it probably never will be because that isn’t the way Microsoft usually plays it. But is the idea of giving the next Microsoft OS away for free an inspired one or just plain dumb?
Windows 7 is getting a lot of attention, and unlike its predecessor, Vista, the vast majority of it is positive. Here is the Microsoft operating system that Vista should have been. It does everything Vista does well, fixes what it does badly, and adds new innovations on top.
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