Windows 7 - 接受Vista所不能接受的

2009/3/10 13:48:19    編輯:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字體:【

Win7之家 7 - 接受Vista所不能接受的

 正如所有軟件產(chǎn)品一樣,不僅僅軟件需要適用于Windows 7,Windows 7本身也需要適應廣大用戶的需求。近日,微軟稱Windows 7的目標不僅僅是保證Vista下能夠正常使用的軟件在Windows 7下也能正常運行,而且會盡可能地使Vista下存在兼容性問題的軟件也能在Windows 7下使用。也就是說,微軟將會把Windows 7的兼容性提升至一個全新的層面,能夠接受Vista所不能接受的軟件。

“為了確保兼容,Windows 7不僅僅在內(nèi)核上和Vista保持一致,在軟件兼容性上也做了一些改進。例如,目前為止,有30款在Vista下無法運行的軟件可以在Windows 中正常工作,這說明Windows 7的兼容性要好于Vista。”

同時,微軟還保證,以前無法在Vista下運行卻能在Windows 7下運行的這些軟件都將通過改進使其能夠在Vista下正常工作。這些軟件主要包括以下三種:


為了讓Windows 7的兼容性得到全球范圍內(nèi)用戶的認可,微軟可謂是下足了功夫。


As far as software products are concerned, it's not just the solutions themselves that need to be tailored to the next iteration of Windows, it is also Windows 7 that needs to adapt in response. According to Microsoft, the goal with Windows 7 is not only to ensure that all Vista-compatible applications will continue to work, but that even broken apps will integrate seamlessly with the new operating system. The Redmond company is actually rescuing Windows Vista broken software and tailoring it to Windows 7. By making sure that Windows 7 embraces Vista rejects, the software giant is attempting to boost the level of application compatibility for the next version of the Windows client.