Win7之家( 7 正式版部署與企業(yè)客戶
對普通用戶而言,Windows 7、Windows Vista和Windows XP的混戰(zhàn)或許不會有啥影響,尤其是老鳥們,想用啥就可以用啥。微軟想要占領(lǐng)普通消費市場也很簡單,反正Windows 7正式版一面世,至少品牌機預裝的都是Windows 7了。但對企業(yè)用戶而言,事情就沒這么簡單了。
首先,每個版本的Windows的技術(shù)支持都是有一定期限的,比如,Windows XP就將在下月14號停止主流支持了,企業(yè)和組織總會在支持到期后考慮更換系統(tǒng)。但由于目前的Windows系統(tǒng)已經(jīng)相當成熟了,微軟想要憑借Windows 7中的新功能特性來吸引企業(yè)的注意力恐怕還是遠遠不夠的。
其次,盡管通過Software Assurance(軟件保障)協(xié)議,此前已經(jīng)更換到Vista的企業(yè)用戶可以直接升級到Windows 7,盡管從Vista升級要比從XP升級容易得多,但如果企業(yè)想要使用Windows 7中的新功能,如BrandCache和Direct Access的話,除了將PC升級到Windows 7外,服務器也要升級到Windows Server 2008 R2才行。這樣一來,企業(yè)又要慎重考慮了。
但微軟副總裁Ross指出,“我并不贊同在Windows 7發(fā)布12-18個月之后再升級,目前我們從Windows 7 Beta已經(jīng)可以知道Windows 7正式版絕對不會差了,再加上了解這方面知識的人都知道,Windows 7帶來的并不僅僅是一款OS這么簡單,還有兼容性、安全性、性能以及節(jié)能、虛擬化方面的保證。這些,對企業(yè)而言,都是絕對有利的。”
“Support for any Windows version is finite, and organizations will have to migrate off it eventually,” Silver stated. “As Windows has matured, it has become increasingly difficult for Microsoft to innovate or introduce sufficient new features so that organizations can truly see a return on investment for the money spent on the migration to a new OS. Yet, OS standardization matters greatly to the cost and complexity of management/security. Organizations must eliminate older OSs and move to newer ones to ensure support of the OS and the independent software vendor (ISV) applications that need to be run. Therefore, deciding which version of Windows to run will have less to do with the value provided by the new OS, and more to do with reducing risks and minimizing the cost to test and deploy the new OS.”
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