Win 7 Starter版本三個程序限制惹爭議

2009/4/23 10:25:22    編輯:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字體:【

Win7之家 7 Starter版本三個程序限制惹爭議

 根據(jù)最近的消息,微軟似乎有意將Windows 7 Starter作為主要版本提供給netbook制造商。有關(guān)Starter版本三個程序限制的消息早已不是什么新聞,很多IT站點,包括Vista之家在內(nèi)都在很久之前報道過。但昨天“華爾街郵報”發(fā)表的有關(guān)此限制的文章則是引發(fā)了公眾的極大關(guān)注。

或許對于用戶而言,更關(guān)心的是Starter版本的價格,而不是技術(shù)上的三個版本限制。最近微軟曾透露netbooks版的XP售價將低于15美元,netbooks版的Windows 7顯然也不會多高,否則如何跟XP競爭。而為了彌補低價銷售帶來的損失,微軟將寶押在了升級上,微軟認為如果用戶對當前WIndows 7版本不滿意的話,可以升級到更高版本。




Microsoft appears to be pushing the starter edition of Windows 7 as its main option for netbook manufacturers. That’s put the spotlight on the edition’s limit of three simultaneous applications.

That Microsoft was producing a budget edition of its new operating system with such a limit is no surprise: many tech sites, including BLORGE, reported that back in February. But an article in today’s Wall Street Journal which mentions that point has led mainstream attention to the Starter Edition.