RC之后 - Windows 7將直奔RTM

2009/5/2 11:30:46    編輯:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字體:【

Win7之家afsion.com.cn):RC之后 - Windows 7將直奔RTM

 毫無疑問,Windows 7 RC已經(jīng)是微軟下一代操作系統(tǒng)的最后一個測試版本了。Bill Veghte,微軟Windows商業(yè)部門副主管已經(jīng)證實在Windows 7正式版發(fā)布之前,微軟不會再發(fā)布任何測試版本了。不過微軟依然沒有明確表示將在何時發(fā)布Windows 7正式版,只是含糊其辭地說Windows 7的發(fā)布日期取決與開發(fā)進(jìn)度和開發(fā)出來的系統(tǒng)質(zhì)量。

微軟透露:“今天,微軟宣布了Windows 7 RC的發(fā)布。這標(biāo)志著備受期待的Windows 7已經(jīng)進(jìn)入最后一個測試階段了。本著質(zhì)量至上的原則,Windows 7很有可能成為微軟歷史上最出色的系統(tǒng),它將大大簡化用戶的體驗和操作并讓系統(tǒng)按照用戶的意愿運行。而對于企業(yè)用戶而言,Windows 7則意味著更強的安全性和穩(wěn)定性。”

自從Windows 7 Beta發(fā)布后,無論是個人用戶還是企業(yè)用戶,都對這款最新的WIndows系統(tǒng)寄予了厚望。據(jù)說已經(jīng)有10000家公司開始在Windows 7上測試軟硬件兼容性以確保正式部署時不存在兼容性問題。



Make no mistake about it, Windows 7 Release Candidate is the last testing phase of the operating system. Bill Veghte, Senior Vice President for the Windows Business, confirmed officially that Microsoft planned to deliver no additional development milestones for the next iteration of Windows. In this context, Windows 7 will move straight from Release Candidate to RTM state. The software giant has yet to deliver the deadline when it plans to release Windows 7 to manufacturing. Still, the company emphasized on more than one occasion that RTM and GA milestones were driven by quality.